Thursday, February 3, 2011

Over $16,000 raised to date...

With the majority of our major fund-raising events still to take place, Cooktown has already raised well in excess of $16,000 for the Premier's Disaster Relief Appeal, which has now been extended to include the victims of Tropical Cyclone Yasi, as well as the Queensland Floods.

Check our Forthcoming Events for what's still to come - starting with a huge fund-raising event at the RSL Memorial Club on Friday, 4 February. Over 40 local businesses have donated prizes for the event, so it's going to be a great night.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Bargains raise big dollars

Saturday, 29 January, was Bargain Bonanza Day, with a whopping $4,656 raised for the Queensland Disaster Appeal. A huge thank you to John and Barbara Hay who raised $1,500 at their Grand Auction, and to Rae Vela, Sayah Scott and Nikki Darvell, who organised a wonderfully successful Bring and Buy Bonanza which raised $3,156. 
Due to popular demand, Bring and Buy Bonanza II is being held on Saturday, 12 February. So many people didn't hear about this one in time that the organisers were bombarded with requests for another. See our Forthcoming Events for details.